Saturday, November 1, 2008

Three Days to Go!

I think most American's are getting "election overload" right now. Through out the month of October Sen. John McCain and Gov. Sarah Palin were being dumped on by the media.

Now a couple of days before election and unfathomable amount of negative publicity is coming out against Sen. Barack Obama and Sen. Joe Biden.

Running for the highest office in the land is admirable. But after spending $500,000,000 to win a position that pays $600,000 is truly an American tradition. But with the economy in the tank is it "prudent" to spend so much on advertising making the media rich?

After the election is over, I think these elected officials should again look into campaign reform. There has got to be a better way of handling a national election than what we have witnessed these past TWO YEARS.

Perhaps what we need to do is as they do in Iraq. Everyone get's ONE vote and you have to dip your finger in a bottle of purple ink. And, that ink doesn't go away for 30 days. That way it insures one vote for one person. Let the poling places be open 30 days using a police station or a city hall. You know that's a great idea.

You can get Access or Dial a Ride to bring in our seniors. Organizations like Acorn can go and pick up people and bring them to vote. We would have only two rules:

1. One vote per one person.
2. No bribes for votes.

Then as far as candidates are concerned, the two political parties should raise all the cash for the main presidential candidates with a limit of $1 per person. If there are 330 million Americans, then that's the limit.

The TV media should give everyone equal time for free! And we should have more voter's forums where candidates are asked the same questions separately like the Saddleback Forum and each given a chance to answer coherently and thoughtfully.

And all candidates should be completely vetted out and get a complete background check by the FBI before running so the people know they are not criminals, crooks etc and are qualified to have and hold the highest security clearance.

And there should be a limit on the time of campaigning.

What do you think? Then Americans can go back to the real world of watching reality TV and sports.

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