Thursday, November 8, 2012

The Result of Compromise

The recent election was amazing. I sat with millions of voters waiting for polls to close to see what was going to happen and whom God was going to place into the leadership of our nation.

Prayers, rallies, fastings and events have permeated the nation from the East to the West coast from the North to the South. As believers, we cannot say that we did not pray God would put into office the person He would.

So we sat and we watched. The very first votes casted in New Hampshire at midnight resulted in five (5) for Obama and five (5) for Romney. We felt good about this in a blue state. But later, as votes came in and states mounted for President Obama, we could only sit back in resignation knowing that the business man would be defeated by the community organizer.

We are living in historic days. We are watching the hand of God move upon this nation sovereignly to bring in a change good or bad, that is going to renew the spirit of revival in this land. During the campaign there were many black voices trying to speak out about righteousness, integrity and honor but they were ignored by not only mainstream press but by mainstream religious organizations and ministries.

This was a great mistake, believing the independents were the ones whose hearts were needed win the election. We needed to capture the heart of the Black American Church,the Hispanic American Church, the Filipino American Church, the Arab American Church, and the Chinese American Church.

The message was compromised. The message was distilled to a one note melody - "I can create jobs."

America needs more than jobs. America needs God. The voices of these men of God who cried out speaking against homosexuality, abortion, same sex marriage were asked to be softened.

Like John the Baptist of old, they were not wearing the same clothing as the mainstream, or from the same denomination, or not the same color. So they were asked to speak softer, not so bibical, not so literal, not so loud. So in effect the church compromised so that the media wouldn't not mis-interpret them as the fanatical "right wing."

Thank goodness this only affected the national race and senatorial race. It did not affect the House of Representatives.

Take a good look at the electoral map. Not by the states, but look at them via counties. You will see that 80% plus of this nation voted Red and it was the 20% that voted blue won the electoral college. This is why the House of Representatives still holds the majority because American people are basically good and conservative in their philosophy of life.

What should our attitude be now in preparation for election 2014?

Our focus now should be praying for revival to take place in ALL THE BLUE AREAS! And it will take the partnership of those churches and men of God who are preaching the right message and are not compromising God's word! Support them!
Remember too, it is not about the party. It is about the candidate. When the righteous flourish, the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule, people groan Proverbs 29:2

When we compromise and pander for the sake of votes we will always come out the loser even if we win!