Saturday, November 15, 2008

Armaggedon in California?

Actor Rob Lowe said it perfectly it was "armaggedon-like" according to the article posted at

In the article quote, "Among the 14,000 homeowner in Montecito are the talk show host, Oprah Winfrey, the film director, Steven Spielberg, and actors John Cleese, Michael Douglas, Christopher Lloyd and Steve Martin. Large swathes of the coastal settlement were reduced to charred, grey landscapes where gates surrounded piles of rubble - all that remained of multi-million dollar houses."

We pray that their homes were saved. When the 9th circuit court decided to rule against the 65% of Californian voters who still believe in the American Flag, Mother and Apple Pie with the values of service to country, family and fellow man, it seems like all "hell" has raged against this state.

It was the fires of northern California started by some kind of a atmospheric condition, then it was the fires of Southern California. Then it was the collapse of the economy and banks. Then it was the financial crisis at the state's treasury. What else can go wrong? A whole lot!

We are not playing around with the environmentalists. We cannot pay off mother nature with a bailout.

As we stray away from the values that made America great, and we embrace more and more selfish humanistic values where man becomes the focal center and divine providence is relegated to old used books in the basement, we will find out that the creator who endowed Americans with the unalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, will withdraw his presence from our lives and the lives of our state and nation. Then you will see what it is to live in a country who's God is not God but who's god is the idol of materialism, self endulgement, immorailty and lawlessness.

Our prayer is as the rain falls upon the just and the unjust that God will spare and protect those who hearts are toward Him.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

"Hate Crime" is now Redefined

The media loves to report a "hate" crime. Just tonight I heard CNN report that the Klu Klux Klan were at it again... The definition of "hate" applies only to the radical right. If someone from the radical left commits a hate crime, such as desecration of a house of worship such as the Mormon church they report it as, "an expression of exasperation again the racism, discrimination, biogtry and unconstitutional actions, by the religious right"

In California we recently passed two propositions (2) to give our chickens, cows, pigs and goats more elbow room and (8) to reaffirm that the definition of marriage is between one man and one woman.

There was no uproad about the chickens, which was a really stupid proposition which the left and the animal lovers passed. But, when Proposition 8 passed, the entire radical left arose in protest filled with vitrolic language, banners, signs and threats.

The radical left politicans and judges vowed to overturn this proposition which was legitimately passed by a majority of our regular citizens from all nationalities, races and political persuasions, fairly and squarely.

Unless the conservative, family oriented and based voter wakes up and makes his voice heard,
we will be relegated to a regime of radicals that will strip every right, freedom and moral character from the lives of our children and our nation.

Here's what I am seeing since the eradication of prayer from the life of our children and our public life.

A. Increased crime
B. Increased disrespect for authority
C. Increased agenda of the radical left which includes the elimination of all moral values.
D. Increased sexual crimes and acts against children
E. Increased cheating in all areas of life.

I was very appalled at what Rev. Jeremiah Wright preached from the pulpit after 9-11 occurred. But as I was watching what the radical left is trying to do to make OUR VOTE
in their words and deeds, I can almost agree that if things do not change, God will not have to "damn" America. America will be damned because the people we elected into political office really and truly don't give a damn about us - just their own pocketbooks and re-election.

We have heard already the comments, that I don't have to worry, Obama is going to pay my bills. What happens when that doesn't happen? I heard the RICH people WILL have to pay.
The Rich people have to sacrifice. What about the sacrifice of us all? This class warfare was great on the election stump, but it doesn't translate into real life. It could be the start of the American 21st Revolution which will pit the poor against the rich which is what is happening in almost every 3rd world nation.

Also, who gave the right to distribute 75o billion dollars to one man? Who's stupid idea was that?
Now we hear about the bailout companies spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on rewards and parties for their employees to reward them and keep the best of these "so called" investment traders. What for? So that they can wheel and deal some more and make millions for themselves while at the same time putting their companies at risk and the poor stock holders at risk as well?

Whose stupid idea was that?

When the righteous rule the people rejoice! The the evil rule the people mourn.
Right now the democrat party is filled with many unrighteous people. People who admittingly had affairs with men or women: people who took bribes and hid them in the freezer; people who campaigned with their wives on the platform and their mistress in the hotel room; people who took millions of campaign dollars from people who are unqualified to give; people who love to give government money away but can't bare to give 10% of their own money to charity; people who say they are helping the middle class and poor people, but yet, want to live in the Beverly Hills of the counties and visit the poor areas only during election time. Give me a break! The ones who were like this on the right were forced to resign by their own conscience, their families, or their constituents.

The left has a motto, "elect us for what we do for you, not for what we do." What a bunch of hypocrites.

If we find good politicans and governmental officials on the left, right or in the middle, we need to support them.

Well our nation is embarking on another 4 year journey into history. My hopes are that with this new Obama Nation we will someone still remain "one nation under God" and not one nation under the socialized, democratic, humanistic and liberal godless society.

Please Americans, wake up. As we lose our sovereignty and our patriotic spirit, as George Putnam, long time radio and TV commentator use to say, "let's not forget to take the flag when the good people leave."

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Three Days to Go!

I think most American's are getting "election overload" right now. Through out the month of October Sen. John McCain and Gov. Sarah Palin were being dumped on by the media.

Now a couple of days before election and unfathomable amount of negative publicity is coming out against Sen. Barack Obama and Sen. Joe Biden.

Running for the highest office in the land is admirable. But after spending $500,000,000 to win a position that pays $600,000 is truly an American tradition. But with the economy in the tank is it "prudent" to spend so much on advertising making the media rich?

After the election is over, I think these elected officials should again look into campaign reform. There has got to be a better way of handling a national election than what we have witnessed these past TWO YEARS.

Perhaps what we need to do is as they do in Iraq. Everyone get's ONE vote and you have to dip your finger in a bottle of purple ink. And, that ink doesn't go away for 30 days. That way it insures one vote for one person. Let the poling places be open 30 days using a police station or a city hall. You know that's a great idea.

You can get Access or Dial a Ride to bring in our seniors. Organizations like Acorn can go and pick up people and bring them to vote. We would have only two rules:

1. One vote per one person.
2. No bribes for votes.

Then as far as candidates are concerned, the two political parties should raise all the cash for the main presidential candidates with a limit of $1 per person. If there are 330 million Americans, then that's the limit.

The TV media should give everyone equal time for free! And we should have more voter's forums where candidates are asked the same questions separately like the Saddleback Forum and each given a chance to answer coherently and thoughtfully.

And all candidates should be completely vetted out and get a complete background check by the FBI before running so the people know they are not criminals, crooks etc and are qualified to have and hold the highest security clearance.

And there should be a limit on the time of campaigning.

What do you think? Then Americans can go back to the real world of watching reality TV and sports.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Colin Powell Endorses Obama

Americans have a great deal of respect for General Colin Powell. This endorsement raises the bar for Senator Obama like no other. But, on the other hand, General Powell has always been a maverick when it comes to policy, to military and in his personal life.

He doesn't like to run with the stream. And, I believe, although he doesn't admit it, he is very happy to see someone from the African American Community who is credible and believable actually be nominated for President of the United States of America. If Colin Powell had political aspirations, the Democrats would have nominated him last time.

So, perhaps the prophetic words of Kim Clement are true. That whoever is elected as President of the United States this time, will prove to be one of the best Presidents and do great things for our country in the next four years.

This is why, we as Christians can say, God is in control. He will have whom it wants as President. And, if we don't vote, we will get whom we deserve!

As Americans we need to pull together. It should not be about race or color but
ideology. Both candidates are qualified - one has more experience than the other. But experience is a great teacher and whom ever is elected will have his share of experience beginning on day one in the Oval Office.

Ideology we have to vote for our values. Because if we don't, in years to come, they will rewrite the founding of our nation, the history of the constitution, and they will rewrite the policy of the churches in America as they have already written the history of our founding President George Washington so that they can eliminate the stories we learned in grade school about his "honesty, and his integrity."

By eliminating honesty and integity in our politics as well, we give license for dishonesty and untruthfulness and greed. This is the basis for the downfall of any civilized nation.

Since 1776, America "the loved one" has enjoyed the blessings and fruits of a godly nation because our moral and legal foundations were based on principals found in the Holy Scriptures.

If we decide to base our foundation on any other such written document, we will see the walls of our nation crumble into the dust of corruption, immorality, and anarchy. So how much time do we have left?

After this election it is only 4 years until 2012 the end of the Mayan calendar.

We need to all pray for our beloved America!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Obama Will Win?

I received an interesting email from a Brother in the Lord who believes that Obama will win.

He believes this based on the fact that God will allow the "Philistines to take the Ark," due to the sin of the church as in the old Testament.

I believe that if Christians vote based on Biblical values that this race will be decided in the favor of John McCain and Sarah Palin.

If the church, those who claim Jesus Christ as Savior votes according to Bible based valued, then every denomination, every synagogue, every parish and every Mormon temple would have to vote pro-life and for the marriage act.

It is hard to hear the the church would allow the Philistines to take over 100% and that Ichabod will be upon America.

I am encouraged that indeed, when God's people's hearts grow cold, God sends the pestilence not to hurt them but to remind them Who is their source of supply.

As a Christian that votes for men and women who uphold our Christian values, I cannot vote for Obama and I have to vote to Sen. McCain and Sarah Palin.

If Christians who are aware of the fact that Obama is pro-choice and against the marriage amendment act, vote for the democratic ticket including Sen. Biden who are all in favor of abortion and who will nominate judges who are anti-Christian, then in Proverbs it simply states that God "hates those who shed innocent blood." How much more is the innocence of the unborn child? If Obama was pro-life then I would say YES, go ahead a vote for him - he couldn't be any worse than what we have.

The calamities that will come upon America will be because the blood bought church of Jesus Christ has become political and they will not vote for the man or woman, white or black that truly upholds the Christian values that are biblically based.

For this reason, true Christians cannot vote for the Philistines.

We cannot allow the enemy to influence us because we have ought against the "established" church. Yes, the church has made many, many mistakes. They have grieved the Holy Spirit more than once and today that grief is so evident by all the fallen brothers and sisters in ministry. Yet, with all of that, we, the Body of Christ cannot let down the standard. We have to forgive and go forward.

If Obama wants the vote of the believers then he too must be bold enough to go against his party's platform. But he cannot. He is obligated. He is not a maverick, sadly, he has become a pawn of the Kennedy's who are trying to control him.

In every country and city, we MUST VOTE for values based candidates from the Council members to the governors.

The church has to be bold and stand together, black, brown and white. That will show the world that the church is in unity. It is truly not about color, It is about the future of our nation as a Christian nation!

In many nations of the world, they "hate" America. It is because of the ungodly mess we see in the movies and on television. Who is supporting the Obama ticket? - the Hollywood elite.

Last Saturday the Streisand, Spielberg, (etc) elite paid $28,500 per ticket to have dinner with Sen. Obama. Imagine if they gave that much money to support the homeless or support a missionary for one year.

Do you watch TV? Or does TV make you cringe?

So again - that brother may be right.

It's time the church take the chip of their shoulder, forgive, and stand up for what is right!

If we want revival to be a reality, we must become one voice for God! If the church will do what's right, then rather than Ichabod the church will rejoice! And the true revival will break forth as the government allows God and Jesus Christ back into the life of our society. It this a dream?

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Vote Christian Values

We need to continue the spiritual battle and warfare in our cities, our states and in our nation.

There are three key areas we need to remember when we make our decision whom we are voting for. It's not about money, nor gasoline, nor the war in Irag! Our vote should be based on the Christian values that has made America great!

1. What does the candidate think about Jesus Christ?
2. What does the candidate think about the family and marriage?
3. What does the candidate think about shedding innocent blood?

It's that simple!

In the meantime, WE HAVE TO PRAY THAT THE JUDGES UPHOLD THE LAW AND NOT MAKE LAW. The citizens of California voted that Marriage is between a man and a woman. An investigation of why these judges decided to make new law rather than uphold the law and force Californians to make another initiative and make this a national referendum and perhaps a constitutional amendment should be initiated. If judges would uphold the law then all of this would be unnecessary!

Is God asleep? Not on your life. With "rare fires" raging,the economing sagging and the gas prices skyrocketing He is definitely not asleep. He has simply lifted his hand of mercy and blessings for a moment in time.

When the people forget who is the Giver and Sustainer of Life - When the people ignore God's values and commandments, then the consequences are God may no longer shed His great light on this nation.

There is a remnant of godly Christians all over the United States praying and interceding for God to stay his judgement and extend his hand of mercy upon a people who do not know what they are doing - a people who are more interested in immediate gratification rather than eternal life - a people who willfully break every commandmant and would like to erase the commandents of God from the life of every school boy and girl in this nation.

God definitely is not asleep. But our leaders may be asleep. He sees and knows of the things that are going on now behind closed doors.

What shall we do? Who will speak for the people? Who will speak for values that we hold so dear? We need to encourage those who have a heart for their cities, states and nation to enter the political arena and restore righteousness, integrity and morality in our culture and in our politics.

Whether Republican or Democrat, politicians who do not keep their word to the people who voted them into office, are open and susceptible to be swayed by influence peddlers and financial opportunities. Is there a man or woman who will stand in the gap for our nation and for our Christian values?

Monday, June 16, 2008

Letter to Governor Arnold Schwartzennegger

Dear Governor,

This is only the second time that I have every written to you. Last time was to congratulate you for your stand on the Hydrogen Highway.

This time I am writing with great concern for the future of our great state. I expected you a staunch family man married into a very religious family to stick up for the rights of the family in this state. Family means Husband Wife and children. We know that our culture is degrading to the point of anarchy. Children hate and kill their parents. Parents hate and abuse their children. Homosexual priests and youth leaders invade the innocences of our young lads. Homosexual and promiscous teachers rob our children from the respect and authority of those whom should be of the highest example to them, by molesting or having an illicit affair with them. This goes for wayward clergy too.

The breakdown of the family and family values in this nation is only a foretaste of the horrific events to come.

History will record that under Governor Arnold Schwartzennegger the end of the family as once was known in all of our history and the history of this world, has ended in California.

Today, June 16, 2007 is a chilling day in history. The motives of the 9th Circuit Court has been shouted throughout internet websites throughout the land. And no one is paying attention.

But you, Governor, the man we trusted to replace Gray Davis, and protect our culture and values, did nothing.

As Madelyn O'Hare was successful in removing the right and privilege of every child in the United States and educators to pray in school, so have you removed the distinction of what it means to be a mother, father, son and daughter - as a family.

I am waiting until the day when humans can marry their dogs and cats. Why not? Some pets are closer friends than man living human beings and relatives.

The demise of the culture we once loved and grew up with in this wonderful nation will fall and the enemy will have no problem in conquering a nation of self centered people who lavish themselves the corruptible pleasures of life robbing the innocence of our young daughters and sons by making them choose to be gay or straight before they understand the full meaning of these terms.

It is a very sad day for California, Governor and you could have done something to prevent or delay this action until the citizens of California had spoken.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

The Church is Looking for the golden calf again

When times get tough, when the church gets cold and boring, when God's people are prospering and have plenty to eat, they begin to look for a golden calf.

In the book of Exodus, Moses had just led his people out of bondage. They were free. They were blessed with the wealth of Egypt. God was with them protecting them with a pillar of fire at night and directing them with a pillar of cloud by day.

Their leader was asked by God to take some time away to commune with Him. The leaders left in charge of the "congregation, " Aaron and Miriam, suddenly had a revelation. We needed something tangible that the people can see, touch and feel to point them towards god.

You know the story! God has furious and he threatened to annilhilate them in the wilderness - save the pleadings of Moses on their behalf.

Today in the 21st century, the church in America, having endured the growth of mega churches and ministries and the prosperous years of the 1990's are once again as was the Church in Laodicea - sick and tired of their blessings and are now looking Christ in all the wrong places.

Colossians 2 (Read this passage carefully)
For I would that ye knew what great conflict I have for you, and for them at Laodicea, and for as many as have not seen my face in the flesh; that their hearts might be comforted, being knit together in love, and unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the acknowledgement of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ; in whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. And this I say, lest any man should beguile you with enticing words. For though I be absent in the flesh, yet am I with you in the spirit, joying and beholding your order, and the stedfastness of your faith in Christ.

As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him:rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving.

Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.

For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power: In whom also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ: buried with him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with him through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raised him from the dead.

And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses; blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross; and having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it.

Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ.

Let no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility and worshipping of angels (New agers) , intruding into those things which he hath not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind,and not holding the Head, from which all the body by joints and bands having nourishment ministered, and knit together, increaseth with the increase of God.

Wherefore if ye be dead with Christ from the rudiments of the world, why, as though living in the world, are ye subject to ordinances, (Touch not; taste not; handle not; which all are to perish with the using); after the commandments and doctrines of men?

Which things have indeed a shew of wisdom in will worship, and humility, and neglecting of the body: not in any honour to the satisfying of the flesh.

Colossians 3:1-3
If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affections on things above, not on things on the earth. For yet are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory.

From the Life Application Bible:

The problem Paul was combatting in the Colossian church was similiar to gnosticism (from the Greek work for "knowledge"). This heresy (a teaching contrary to biblical doctrine) attacked Christianity in several basic ways. 1) It insisted that important hidden knowledge (revelation) was secret from most believers. Paul, however, said that in Christ we see all we need to see of God's provision for us. 2) It taught that the body was evil; Paul countered that God himself dwelt in a body - that is, he was embodied in Jesus Christ. 3) It said that Christ seemed to be human, but was not. Paul insisted that in Jesus we see one who is fully human and fully God.

In verse 2:8 Paul writes against any philosophy of life based only on human ideas and experiences. Paul asserts that when we know Jesus Christ, we don't need to investigate other religions, cults, or unbliblical philosophies as the Colossians were doing. Christ alone holds the answers to the true meaning of life, because Christ is life. He is the unique source for the Chirstian life; therefore, no Christian needs anything he has not provided. (End of comments from Life Application Bible)

When man's philosophies and traditions start to trickle into the church, we should remember the words of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior and see what he thought of that particular idea.

Matthew 15:1-9
Then came to Jesus scribes and Pharisees, which were of Jerusalem saying, why do thy disciples transgress the tradition of the elders? for they wash not their hands when they eat bread.

But he answered and said unto them, "Why do ye also transgress the commandment of God by your traditions? For God commanded, saying, Honour thy father and mother: and He that curseth father or mother, let him die the death.

But ye say, Whosoever shall say to his father or his mother, it is a gift, by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me; and honour not his father or his mother, he shall be free? Thus have ye made the commandent of God of none effect by your tradition. Ye hypocrites, well did Esaias prophesy of you saying, "This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me." But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandents of men.

Let's continue to look at what Paul said in Galatians 5:1-4

Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage. Behold, I, Paul say unto you, that if ye be circumcised, Christ shall profit you nothing. For I testify again to every man that is circumcised that he is a debtor to do the whole law.

Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace.

There is a danger to go back to the traditions of man looking for the reality of a relationship with Jesus Christ, because it isn't there. Paul said the traditions of man, which in his case was from jewish traditions, were only a shadow of things to come.

Once Jesus Christ came he fulfilled those traditions and even so stated on the cross when he cried out, "It is finished." The heavy veil in the temple that separated mankind from a holy God in the Jewish tradition was rent in two.

Let's be careful as we intercede and pray and gain more wisdom and knowledge of natural and supernatural things that we don't forget the last commands of both Jesus Christ before he ascended to the father and of Apostle Paul before he was execute.

Jesus Christ: "Wait for the promise of the Father which year have heard of me. For John truly baptized with water, but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence...But ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria and unto the uttermost part of the earth." Acts 1:4b,5, 8

Paul: "I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kindgom; Preach the word, be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth and shall be turned unto fables. But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of they ministry."

The Church needs strengthening. The Church needs Jesus Christ, the author and finisher of our faith! The Church needs revival.

The message of the gospel of Jesus Christ has endured centuries of attack, of compromise, of tradition, of heresy! But the genuine message of the Gospel has withstood every attack from the enemy.

What is the gospel: "For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotton son, that whosoever would believe in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."
John 3:16

It's that simple! We don't need a golden calf if we have Jesus!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

It's Elementary Watson

What makes a good cup of coffee?

Good coffee beans!

What makes a bad cup of coffee?

Too many good coffee beans!

God must have a good chuckle when He looks down from heaven and watches His children run to and fro trying to improve on His message, His methods and His means.

I was once listening to a conversation between two seminarians and truthfully although they were discussing a biblical topic, I had no idea what they were speaking about. They used the latest language of seminarians. New words. New vocabulary. New definitions. New trends.

There is a wonderful old movie called "Ten Gentlemen from West Point." It is the story of the founding of this famous mlitary academy. The commandant was a crusty old professional solider who believed that you learn by suriving the battles. And because he had survived that made him an expert.

One of the cadets a young gentleman believed that you are successful because you are born into a family of means and position. Therefore, you are automatically light years ahead because of your background and breeding.

In the mix there was a great teacher who studied strategy and war. And although he had himself never literally fought in a battle, you would never know it as he recounted battle after battle - strategies that were successful and strategies that failed.

The commandant would have none of this. For, he believed that war cannot be taught, it must be fought.

Then there was a good ol' boy from the backwoods of Kentucky. He was neither educated nor affluent. But he was raised on good old fashioned commen sense and decency. He listened to the teacher. He relied on his common sense.

These cadet soliders were called to assist in a battle against wayward indians. When they were out of the classroom onto the field of action and the field of battle, guess what happened?

The seminarian dialog vanished. The aflluence and breeding were of no help. The poor commandant was captured by the indians because he was still fighting war the old way. Who was the hero?

The man who had the commen sense who could speak the language of the people and who used his common sense in battle. When giving commands to the soldiers he simply cried, "go and get them."

It's elementary Watson. To build a solid foundation you need concrete and steel. To build up you have to go down deep. To enlarge you have to stremgthen the stakes.

There is nothing new under the sun and when we as human beings try to elevate ourselves above others in our thoughts, our words, our trendy ideas and revelations, it only takes one stroke from the hand of fate to bring us back down to earth again.

True greatness comes from knowing that we are nothing without Him.

In conclusion, it's okay to make Him laugh - let's be sure we don't make Him cry.

Friday, April 4, 2008

The Blended Church

Pastor Harry Jackson has an excellent op/ed piece through Christian Breaking News. He speaks of a shaking of the "black" church and "white" church and time of God's chastening and chastisement.

True Christianity has no color line. It doesn't matter whether it is a black church, a white church, a brown church or a yellow church. True Christianity reflects only one color - a red Jesus church. A black man would be more than welcomed in a white Jesus Church. A white man would be more than welcomed in a black Jesus Church.

It's time that we stop talking about color and talking about Jesus.

Jesus would be welcomed in any "Jesus" church regardless of his color. He would preach the same message with a different flavor or style. He would vote the same way on important moral social issues no matter what color.

I welcome black churches that keep their spirited singing and enthusiasm in preaching and praise. I welcome blended churches that have worship in many different cultural areas. I welcome conservative white churches who sing traditional songs and keep the fires aglow of long past reformations.

If Christians would stop looking at the past and start looking towards the future and the difference they could make in the next generation - we wouldn't need to have any discussion about Jeremiah Wright, a man who lives in the past and holds on to unforgiveness of the past.

True Christians will recognize one another regardless of the color. They will accept one another. Carnal Christians will evaluate a man or woman based not only on color, but on status and affluence. The church, sadly has both types of Christians.

A Jesus Church has only one color - red that stands for His blood that is in our veins that unites us as brothers and sister in Christ.

We have never felt discriminated against from a true brother or sister in Christ!

Time for the church to be blended not physically, but in their heart.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Are We Losing More than We are Gaining.

Dr. Ralph Winter, President of Frontier Missions asked this question in the March - April 2008 Issue of their international magazine, Mission Frontiers. This magazine is on the cutting edge of missions and thought provoking emerging trends in Christianity.

For the past 29 years we have had the privilege to work with Pastors of smaller churches here in the US and overseas as well. Some of those small church pastors grew to mega church pastors and we had the privilege of being an eye witness to the evolvement.

This article is especially poignant because it takes an honest look at the results of the church's work in the past 10-20 years. The great charismatic movement (1970-1980's) that birth so many exiting and vibrant ministries evolved from soulwinning and evangelism to entertainment and kingdom building.

The passion and the sacrifice the early founders made for the sake of souls and the gospel was replaced by the 2nd generation of professional ministers who's idea of success was a membership to an exclusive golf course and a BMW all purchased by the church.

I have some reasons why we are losing.

1. The church has lost it's passion for souls. The church has become a looky lou plethora of people who go from pillar to post, running around from ministry to ministry. Not solidly grounded in the word, not looking for the prophetic voice that is found in the pages of God's word, but for a prophet to give them their prophecy of the day. The church has lost the prophetic voice of God and has been running after the prophetic voice of man.

2. The call of the MISSIONARY in many cases is being replaced. Instead we send professionals to the mission field who teach at a seminary of some sort, who live in grandeur and the "green zones" of the mission fields sending their children to the best schools and living in the best homes with maids and servants. The sacrifice is that they no longer have 170 channels on the cable TV or the wonderful supermarket to shop at. Instead the example they pose to the indigenous people are affluent, arrogant, and unapproachable. (Watch two good movies: Inn of the Sixth Happiness the Gladys Alyward story and Keys to the Kingdom. Both are true and both show a genuine missionary call one protestant and one catholic and it also shows the hypocrisy of the organized church. I didn't know Gladys' story and I was so touched)

3. The indigenous church is becoming more literate. With literacy comes more questions. They are not interested in long discourses and sermonizing. However, if they have a need, physical or personal and God intervenes in a miraculous way that does catch their attention. How many of today's missionaries are able to say that "signs, wonders and miracles follow them."

4. The church has lost its love for one another. The church has become a business in America. And that spirit has traveled to the world. Rather than passion and sacrifice for our own fellow laborers such as missionaries who did serve overseas in the humblest of manners to the poorest of people, they come home and rather than being loved and honored for their sacrifices, they are treated like second class citizens (poor people ) because they naturally do not have the retirement income necessary to live even modestly they have to succumb to sharing a home or a room because their landlords are more interested in the bottom line than caring for one of God's unsung heroes. Too many pastors who served 25-35 years in their denomination and who cannot afford to retire are being "let go" without a retirement party, without another assignment to go to, without any retirement. And who cares? Younger pastors don't want those "old guys" around. But it is the old guys that blazed the trail for these younger pastors - they endured the hardships of planting, watering and reaping in the early days so that this generation of leaders could enjoy the harvest.

5. The church has allowed the leaven to invade our land. I Cor. 5:6, "Your glorying is not good. Know ye not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump?" The church has allowed the leaven in our society. Less than 5% of our population are gay or lesbians and that number may include sympathizers, and yet because of their influence we see orgies on TV, little boys in school now being taught to be more like little girls and children questioning their gender at tender ages because of the influence these small group has had on our society. Even the next generation of McDonald's leadership is allegedly promoting the gay agenda! Ray Kroc would roll over in his grave?

That leaven caused the church to go to sleep when they took prayer and the Bible out of primary education and we have produced several generations of agnostics and atheists and a new generational of heartless, godless people.

When asked if they needed additional Chaplains to bury our great generation of old soldiers, I was told that not really, because families are not giving them funerals. They just ask the mortuary to take the body away, cremate it and dispose of it without a funeral, because "the younger generation" doesn't want to be reminded or made to feel sad or they are too busy. How sick is that? No God, No Christ, No Church.

6. The Church is living in a dream world and very naive. I'm ok. So I trust by faith you're okay too.

In Kenya and Africa, if a small group of radial Islamic Muslims decide its time to kill all the Christians in a village, what do you think the average Christian family will do? Sit around and be slaughter. They will fight back. I remember the Watts riots in 1965. Good Christian families had shotguns in their living rooms. If the church doesn't wake up and realize that this religion is not of God but of Satan, we will have a slaughter than is so huge it will be unbelievable. It's happened over and over in Africa. The non-Christians kill.

Real Christians don't kill Christians. We are naive to think that there is a moderate muslim. Moderate muslim can only be moderate until the "jihad" is called then they have to join or else they will be part of the slaughter. (Watch how muslims are killing muslims in Iraq. If they can do it to their own brothers, how much more to people they consider dogs and people of the Book.)
There is a master plan for the radical muslims - 1) breed as many muslims as possible.
2) Marry white girls and convert them to Islam 3) rise in the ranks of business, military, politics and medicine to positions of power including law enforcement. Do not let a heathen (anyone other than a muslim) rule you 4) get rid of people of the book: Israelis and Christians.

There is a final reason why the church is losing?

Because God who is in control of this world is allowing this to happen. He has a reason why. It's just up to us now to be sure that we are not the cause of this loss. And if we are, perhaps this is the time to take an introspective look at our own lives to see how we can rekindle that passion and ignite the fires that once caused us to do the impossible - to dream the unthinkable and to accomplish the miraculous!

George Barna's forte is watching church growth. He has had the opportunity to meet our best pastors etc. And I think maybe what he is seeing is making him sick. They need to take a look at the small church pastors. They have stayed true to the task.

So we promote these guys and build them up and then they are discovered tapping in bathroom floors or secret meetings in hotel rooms. How sick is that? Rather than lifting up the name of Jesus - they were lifting up their names and look what happened.

The only person we can truly have confidence in not to embarass the church is Jesus!

If we allow Jesus to be Lord of our lives again and Lord over America we can starting winning again.