I received an interesting email from a Brother in the Lord who believes that Obama will win.
He believes this based on the fact that God will allow the "Philistines to take the Ark," due to the sin of the church as in the old Testament.
I believe that if Christians vote based on Biblical values that this race will be decided in the favor of John McCain and Sarah Palin.
If the church, those who claim Jesus Christ as Savior votes according to Bible based valued, then every denomination, every synagogue, every parish and every Mormon temple would have to vote pro-life and for the marriage act.
It is hard to hear the the church would allow the Philistines to take over 100% and that Ichabod will be upon America.
I am encouraged that indeed, when God's people's hearts grow cold, God sends the pestilence not to hurt them but to remind them Who is their source of supply.
As a Christian that votes for men and women who uphold our Christian values, I cannot vote for Obama and I have to vote to Sen. McCain and Sarah Palin.
If Christians who are aware of the fact that Obama is pro-choice and against the marriage amendment act, vote for the democratic ticket including Sen. Biden who are all in favor of abortion and who will nominate judges who are anti-Christian, then in Proverbs it simply states that God "hates those who shed innocent blood." How much more is the innocence of the unborn child? If Obama was pro-life then I would say YES, go ahead a vote for him - he couldn't be any worse than what we have.
The calamities that will come upon America will be because the blood bought church of Jesus Christ has become political and they will not vote for the man or woman, white or black that truly upholds the Christian values that are biblically based.
For this reason, true Christians cannot vote for the Philistines.
We cannot allow the enemy to influence us because we have ought against the "established" church. Yes, the church has made many, many mistakes. They have grieved the Holy Spirit more than once and today that grief is so evident by all the fallen brothers and sisters in ministry. Yet, with all of that, we, the Body of Christ cannot let down the standard. We have to forgive and go forward.
If Obama wants the vote of the believers then he too must be bold enough to go against his party's platform. But he cannot. He is obligated. He is not a maverick, sadly, he has become a pawn of the Kennedy's who are trying to control him.
In every country and city, we MUST VOTE for values based candidates from the Council members to the governors.
The church has to be bold and stand together, black, brown and white. That will show the world that the church is in unity. It is truly not about color, It is about the future of our nation as a Christian nation!
In many nations of the world, they "hate" America. It is because of the ungodly mess we see in the movies and on television. Who is supporting the Obama ticket? - the Hollywood elite.
Last Saturday the Streisand, Spielberg, (etc) elite paid $28,500 per ticket to have dinner with Sen. Obama. Imagine if they gave that much money to support the homeless or support a missionary for one year.
Do you watch TV? Or does TV make you cringe?
So again - that brother may be right.
It's time the church take the chip of their shoulder, forgive, and stand up for what is right!
If we want revival to be a reality, we must become one voice for God! If the church will do what's right, then rather than Ichabod the church will rejoice! And the true revival will break forth as the government allows God and Jesus Christ back into the life of our society. It this a dream?