Sunday, March 29, 2009


"Today, one out of every 31 adults in the U.S. is in prison, in jail, or on supervised released," states Cong. Jim Webb (D-Va).

That is a whopping 31% of our adult population is in some kind of trouble. The article goes on to state about the need to fix our prisons and to blame other nations for infiltrating their organized crime syndicates into our country.

But stop, and take a good look around at what is happening to the "moral" fiber of this nation. Stop blaming and start taking responsibility.

Congress and the Judicial system who are charged to oversee and legislate laws in the best interest of our citizens have created a giant monster who rages as what is good and moral and celebrates that which is evil. What is the evil? Taking away parental rights. Removing God from the public platform. Taking prayer out of the school. Indoctrinating our children with ideas of individual rights rather than moral responsibility.

The results of todays 31% of our adult population in prison is a result of the values or lack of values we instilled in their lives when they were children of the 1960's and 1970's.

It was appalling to hear the story of a grandmother who's grandchildren told the mortician to cremate "her" and discard her remains. As they all decided who was to share in the estate. That is a general story that is taking place all over this nation?

Why? The family unit has been successfully discarded. Children have been tossed to and fro between extended families, foster care and a variety of fathers and mothers. In schools, teachers cannot teach Judeo Christian Values and the curriculum on character and moral development has been watered down. In today's schools, children are permitted to "swear, curse, talk back to their teachers, carry huge sums of money, use cell phones in class, and are indoctrinated to liberal theology through approved coursework and curriculum." Unless they happen to attend a school headed by a good school board or unless they come from a in tact solid family, they are like little boat floating in the ocean looking for a place to land.

Nations in the past have seen America as a beacon of hope and light. Today we are exporting from this wonderful nation through movies and through our celebrities, a pattern and lifestyle that is not healthy. This pattern is one of immorality, lavish lifestyle, drugs, and violence. So it is a wonder that what is being imported to America is more of the same?

During the 1920's to 1960's America exported the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the nations. During the 1970's to 1990's the nations imported the gospel of Jesus Christ to America. During the past 20 years, we have exported "legalized abortion, homosexual marriage, glorification of the individual and the lavish lifestyle."

Regardless of whether you think the homosexual lifestyle is right or wrong, nearly 100% of the nations of the world prior to 1990 believed it was wrong. Families were in tact and strong. Today that one idea is causing the breakdown of families more than anything else.

What is the solution? We can never fix our prisons without fixing our values.