One of the most interesting phenomenas in the body of Christ is the phenomena of betrayal.
It all began with a entity named Lucifer whom God loved and trusted with rulership of the universe. He whom God loved, became disgruntled and jealous of God's leadership. Rather than rejoicing in the authority and responsibility that God had entrusted him with, he began to grumble and complain, of course not to God face to face, but behind the scenes to those whom he had influence over.
As days progressed and perhaps eternities in God's time plan, these rumblings and complaints grew more and more until Lucifer decided that he could do a much better job than God in the running and operation of the universe.
So while bowing to the authority of God, while having and using priviledged access to the very throne room of God, while using all the perks and benefits God had bestowed upon him, when speaking to God face to face and lauding God's goodness and glory, Lucifier began to plan for the ultimate overthrow of God.
Thinking that he could gather more than 50 percent of God's angelic hosts which would render God's trusted angelic leader, Michael, short in his ability to defend God's domain and territory, Lucifer who was wallowing in his own deceipt and grandeur, believing that he had been able to convince the multitudes of angelic beings that God was not a good leader, that God's priority was not caring for the universe, that God had lost touch with the angelic hosts who were guarding and caring for the planets etc. Lucifer boldly launched his open rebellion against God.
This same scenario took place on a much lesser scale but had tremendous positive repercussions-- the betrayal of Jesus by his disciple Judas in the Garden of Gethsemene. What Lucifer meant for evil, became a part of God's glorious plan for the redemption of all of mankind.
So 200o years later.
This scenario is many times being replayed in churches, businesses, ministries and governments. Being betrayed by a friend whom you have only showned love, compassions, and concern is a "red badge" of honor in the scheme of eternity. If you can remain loving, forgiving, and keep marching forward without becoming vindictive, or consumed with bitterness and unforgiveness you will have won the greatest battle and test of your life and existence.
We often pray in church that we want to be more like Jesus, we want more of God in our life.
When we go through betrayal, we identify with our Saviour Jesus Christ and the ultimate creator of the Universe, Jehovah our heavenly father who were the very first ones to suffer the pain of betrayal. And yet, with all of that pain, THEY continue to love. That's why it is a privilege for we, as Christians, to serve a God who loves, heals and forgives.